Little bug report on SPIS

I just wanted to report some little bugs still present in the latest version.

  1. Non assignation of ElecNode0 in surface groups: In the file “Average_surface_potential_of node_0”, the average potential appears as NAN, and min and max potential are 10³⁷ or 10³⁸ V. It doesn’t seem to affect the simulation, so be more an output issue, but inconvenient when using output data.

  2. Electrons declared as DriftingMBVolDistrib generate a positive electronic current (Ie>0), so simulation diverge. See discussion here: Low noise distributions (PICPerturbation) - #4 by jportoh

  3. The surface emitted products of erosion is always null. See pictures of density of products of erosion by CEX Xe⁺ VS surface emitted current of eroded.

log10 of imroved emitted current of Eroded_CEX1_Xe+ to SC
log10 of imroved Products of erosion by CEX1_Xe+

  1. When the simulation ends, in the console the time to move the PIC population does not appears:

|-- SPIS numerical simulation --|
|-- Task durations
|-- Task Simulation integration | Cumulative duration : 12 MINUTES
|-- Task Pause | Cumulative duration : 0 MILLISECONDS
|-- Task Plasma | Cumulative duration : 11 MINUTES
|-- Task Plasma/SC Interactions | Cumulative duration : 9 SECONDS
|-- Task SC Circuit | Cumulative duration : 2006 MILLISECONDS
|-- Task Results storing | Cumulative duration : 3 SECONDS
|-- Task Transitions | Cumulative duration : 1 MILLISECONDS
|-- Task Instruments | Cumulative duration : 11 MINUTES
|---- Plasma subtasks
|-- Task Poisson Solver | Cumulative duration : 3 SECONDS
|-- Task Move all populations | Cumulative duration : 11 MINUTES
| At population level------
|-- Task Push of ions1 | Cumulative duration : 53 SECONDS
|-- Task Injection of ions1 | Cumulative duration : 16 SECONDS
|-- Task Move of elec1 | Cumulative duration : 102 MILLISECONDS
|-- Task Push of ions2 | Cumulative duration : 53 SECONDS
|-- Task Injection of ions2 | Cumulative duration : 16 SECONDS
|-- Task Move of elec2 | Cumulative duration : 97 MILLISECONDS
|-- Task Push of photoElec | Cumulative duration : 35 SECONDS
|-- Task Injection of photoElec | Cumulative duration : 11 SECONDS
|-- Task Push of secondElec True from ambiant electrons | Cumulative duration : 118 SECONDS
|-- Task Injection of secondElec True from ambiant electrons | Cumulative duration : 33 SECONDS
|-- Task Push of secondElec BS from ambiant electrons | Cumulative duration : 152 SECONDS
|-- Task Injection of secondElec BS from ambiant electrons | Cumulative duration : 48 SECONDS
|-- Task Push of secondElec from ambiant protons | Cumulative duration : 49 SECONDS
|-- Task Injection of secondElec from ambiant protons | Cumulative duration : 15 SECONDS
|------------------ Simulation is finished -------------------|

Not convenient for simulation optimization.

Dear Mathias,

  1. since you do not assign node 0, the average potential is meaningless and as default values. Which is normal since it has no sense.

  2. Yes, we saw this bug and it will be corrected in the next release

  3. Yes, the product of erosion is neutral, so that the currents are 0


1 & 2 OK!

  1. Yes, but a student contact me and spend a month try to solve that issue which was not solvable… So this data should be corrected or suppressed because of the confusion.

Thanks for the answer Seb!