Hi there !
Well I think I have made some progress. I managed to perform some simulations successfully using the next set of parameters (some of them need to be added using the “Add global parameter” button):
The electrons treated using GlobalMaxwellBoltzmannVolDistrib while the ions using pic_df (i.e. PICPerturbationToAnalyticalVolDistrib). The same parameters could also be used for the electrons using “elec1” instead of “ions1”
- ionDistrib → PICPerturbationToAnalyticalVolDistrib
- updateAnalyticalFunction → 1
- ions1_perturbativeDensity → 1
- ions1_perturbativeCurrent → 0
- AnalyticVolDistrib_ions1 → DriftingMBVolDistrib (other types of distributions can be used but I guess you should not include the " updateAnalyticalFunction" in that case)
The electrons treated using GlobalMaxwellBoltzmannVolDistrib while the ions using “DriftingMBVolDistrib” by simple specifying that distribution for the “ionDistrib”
You can also run full_pic_df simulations using the parameters described in (1) with “elec1” and “ions1”
Let me know if it works for you !