SPIS 6.1.0 Thruster Distributions Bug


I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this bug when defining their source.

When running SPIS 6.1.0 with given input data for a thruster distribution, in this case, Fittable Maxwellian Source, the software abruptly stops in the “Initializing numerical kernel” phase. I think there is some kind of issue where the data is not saved properly since the software displays “null at” for some properties.

SPIS Error Picture 1 (1)
SPIS Error Picture 2

Any ideas?


I´m having the same issue, I tried with the standard one and same message.

Thanks, Agustin.

Thanks for reporting the bug.
Some bugs were reported with this way of defining a thruster and some corrections are already comitted in the git repository version. We will check your issues febore the next release.
Best Regards,