SPIS 6.1.0 Isolated Dielectric Simulation


I am simulating a dielectric surface in SPIS with no other super-nodes involved. (i.e. node-00 is given dielectric material properties, specifically Si02). I understand that potentials on dielectrics in SPIS are solved with the assumption that there is a subsurface conductor beneath the dielectric material which corresponds to the charging of the super-node.

Is there a way to simulate charging of dielectric materials without a separate potential developing on the super-node? I have tried setting the RDC to 100% and this seems to have the desired effect. However, I worry that it is no longer an accurate solution for the dielectric potential, as it charges to the same value as a fully conductive surface would in this case, and the charging time-scale is comparable as well.

How does this RDC relate to Csat and the charging of the dielectric, and why do two potentials (for the dielectric surface nodes and subsurface electric-node) develop in this circuit solver?

Any help is much appreciated.


Correction, the RDC was set to 100, not 100%. Also, what equation is SPIS using to compute the dielectric capacitance based off material thickness?