SPIS 6.1.0: Bug in hybrid simulation in the Solar Wind with photemission

Hi everyone,

We noticed with SebHess that there is a bug in SPIS 6.1.0. when doing hybrid simulation of a conductive spacecraft immersed in the solar wind with photoemission.

It turns out that the positive charge is underestimated! 0.5V instead of 5V (this order of magnitude).

Waiting for a patch :slight_smile:

To illustrate what I said, here are the time vs potential, time vs total net current and a probe line showing the evolution of the potential along the Y axis, for 3 versions of SPIS:

First with the SPIS 6.0.4 version
SPIS6.0.4time vs sc Potential
SPIS6.0.4Total net current
SPIS6.0.4 probe line Y axis

With the released SPIS 6.1.0:

SPIS6.1.0 time vs potential
SPIS6.1.0 time vs total net current
SPIS6.1.0 Y probe line potential

With the git version:

SPIS6.1.0 Corrected SebHess time vs potential and total net current
SPIS6.1.0 Corrected SebHess Y probe line potential

Released version of SPIS 6.1.0 in FULL PIC
SPIS6.1.0 FULL PIC time vs net current
SPIS6.1.0 FULL PIC time vs potenial

Note that for the full PIC, the total net current is still decreasing while the simulation does not have finished to converge.

Tested with dev version which gives the correct results. The bug (if any) will be corrected in the next version.