When I set plasmaElecFieldMapMonitorStep to -10, I don’t see the plasma electric field data in my Data ming, I saw another related post that mentioned that SPIS is not able to export plasma electric field data at this time, I’d like to ask if this is true? I would really like to get the plasma electric field data to determine the particle flow in space.
Here is a link to that post.
[Archive] plasma elec field to vtk - SPIS - SPINE Forum
I don’t know about the status of this function, but at least you can calculate the electric field yourself from the 3D potential maps.
Yes, that’s exactly what I’m doing right now, I’m hoping to calculate the electric field I need by extracting the data from the potential VTK file. However, the problem is that the SPIS exported VTK file is in binary format, which seems to be encoded in a very rare way, which leads to garbled code when I open the VTK file using VScode. I think I need to think a bit more about how to solve this problem.
I use paraview to visualise and unpack the binary information, and extract the data as a .csv file with coordinate information.