ExtendedPopulation: How to add 3rd population of electrons


I’m trying to add a 3rd electron population using ExtendedEnvironment and the “Pop1…” settings. I can’t figure out what the command is for electrons. I’ve tried Electrons, electrons, electron, electrons and e-. When I use an ion, e.g. H+, it all works fine. I saw a previous post suggest that its ‘electrons’, but perhaps this has changed for SPIS6.

Main error: spis.Util.Exception.SpisRuntimeException: Error while parsing chemical formula: electrons (lower case unexpected at 0)

Any help would be great! Couldn’t find anything else on the forum or in the document “How to control NUM from UI in SPIS”


Just realised the error for Electrons is different. This clearly suggest a typo. This raises the question of the “lower case unexpected at 0?”

spis.Util.Exception.SpisRuntimeException: Error while parsing chemical formula: Electrons (unrecognized element El.Only element Z<110 can be used + D and T, use X or Uxx for others)

If the formula starts with anything else than a lower case, it assumes that it must be ions, and when it cannot parse it it emits the exception:

spis.Util.Exception.SpisRuntimeException: Error while parsing chemical formula: Electrons (unrecognized element El.Only element Z<110 can be used + D and T, use X or Uxx for others)

If it starts with a lowercase it looks for “e-” or “electron”, otherwise it fails with :

spis.Util.Exception.SpisRuntimeException: Error while parsing chemical formula: electrons (lower case unexpected at 0).

The errors seems to make sense, except that in your case the “e-” and “electron” statements are nor recognized. It did try to reproduce the error but it worked fine on my computer. What version are you using?